I stepped on the scale Sunday morning to find not only did I finally break the 150 pound barrier I had been fighting, I dropped through the 300 pound mark as well. I have lost nearly 156 pounds so far. I think I am more excited about being below 300 than the 150 mark. I feel so much better everyday, I still have a few bad ones here and there. My knees alone feel like they did when I was in my teens, only without the flexibility. I have started going back to training Jiu Jitsu with a friend of mine, I am lifting heavier and heavier weight, more easily than before. I have endurance that I don't ever remember having.
I have had a lot of help in the last 9 months since surgery, A LOT. I think the support I have had is very important to my success. I think I am going to need it with the on coming holidays. I just don't want to slip, I won't gain any back over the holidays, that is not what I am worried about. I had the misfortune to find out that certain apples are now off my list of foods I can eat. Lets just say it was a very rough night. My fear this holiday, and it might be irrational, is that I will get a hold of something that has too much sugar for my system to handle, without realizing it. Fruit salad and things of that nature.
I am seriously thinking I need to get ahold of the Blender Bottle company and ask for a sponsorship. Almost everything I drink anymore comes out of one of those. When you have to get a certain amount of protein in a day and need to mix it quickly those things work great. Just a word of warning, DO NOT LEAVE IT SIT IN THE CAR WITH A LITTLE BIT OF THE DRINK LEFT IN IT. You will die when you open it and will really just want to throw it away. Luckily, bleach and dish soap soak help take it away for a while. I also found a bowl that is my serving size and is great for portioning out meals for the week, if I am planning that far out, shhh I rarely ever do.
I get asked quite often what I miss. Peanut Butter, bread, pasta... I could go on. Then I stop and think about it, with the way I feel without all that, why do I miss it. Seriously, it tastes awesome but why miss it if that is what got me in the situation I was in. Somethings you are just better to learn to live without. I am going to leave you with some more motivation, quotes that seem to help me through. Be it workouts, school or work.
Nothing is impossible, tell me it is, and I will show you its not.
Fear keeps you in chains, choosing to remove those chains grants you freedom.
Pain is temporary, and worth every moment when you love yourself.
Love yourself, then look at how you treat yourself and you will find yourself.
Remember where you were, remember how it felt, then turn around and move forward.
These are just a few things I keep reminding myself with. The first one is the most powerful to me, mainly because I am stubborn and will do anything to prove you wrong, I have been told its impossible so many times. I used to believe it, just go with the flow and let it be. I hated myself when that was the case. God had to lift me up, brush me off, open my eyes and tell me I was worth everything and more. Now, ask me where I get my strength from and you will hear me say in Him I find strength to do all things. I am still learning to be Christ like in many ways, but I am an open sinner, and do not claim to be a false saint. I have my faults but choosing to become who I am now and will be takes a strength you have to find deep in your faith, yourself and family to help you through. I chose to have the surgery to become healthier for my family and myself, and this is why I keep moving forward and enjoy everyday. God helped me stand in my decision to have this done, and I have never thought of ever turning back.
Outstanding my friend...I'm proud of you. You're living the dream!!